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State of Our District's Finances

Series One: Student Data

  • The Clear Creek Amana Community School District reviews and shares key information important to monitoring district growth and finances. 5Sight provides insight to hundreds of financial and student achievement data points, giving districts a clear understanding of their financial position. 

    In addition, those same analytics can be used to compare the district's performance and status to any district or group of districts in the state. This is the first of several reports highlighting this information. 

    Our student data shows changes in diversity and socio economics.  The Free and Reduced Lunch program is provided by the National School Lunch Program and students may be eligible to receive reduced-price meals in accordance with the income guidelines. Families must fill out an application every year to be considered.

    CCA has an average of 25% Free and Reduced students district wide with a fairly even distribution amongst attendance centers. 

    enrollment trends   key for graph


    FREE AND REDUCED COMPARISON Compared to other districts of similar sizes with averages ranging 16 - 30% Free and Reduced.

    free and reduced comparision  key for comparison chart

    ENROLLMENT BY BUILDING Enrollment growth per CCA attendance center since 2015. Tiffin Elementary opened 2016 school year relieving high numbers for Clear Creek Elementary and North Bend Elementary.

     enrollment by building  key for chart

    DISTRICT RACE ETHNICITY Changes in ethnicity since 2013.

    race ethnicity chart  key for chart


    enrollment by grade graph

    OPEN ENROLLMENT Students transferring in and out and the overall net transfers. All buildings except for Amana Elementary and the High School are closed for open enrollment.

    open enrollment graph  key to chart


     special education graph  key to chart