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English Language Learners

Our District's English Language Learner (ELL) Program serves approximately 170 students in grades K-12 from more than 17+ language and cultural backgrounds. We provide English Language Development instruction and specialized support for English Learners in all of our schools.

The mission of the ELL program is to ensure English Learners are socially, culturally and academically prepared to be successful and contributing members in our District and our global society.

How does it work?

Students who speak a language other than English or in addition to English must take an English Language proficiency assessment when enrolling in our district as required by law.

All new student enrollment occurs in the school that serves the area where the student lives. During the enrollment process, a Home Language Survey is filled out to indicate the student’s language background and experiences. The Data Manager will then communicate with the district School Support Officer if the Home Language Survey indicates a need to screen the student for English proficiency. All ELL screenings take place in the child’s school.

If you have questions regarding the ELL Screening process, please contact the School Support Officer at (319) 828-4510.

Our Goals

The following linguistic, social and academic goals are connected with the district Lau Plan:

  1. Promote understanding, respect, and appreciation for the cultural and linguistic diversity of our student population.

  2. Collaborate with the school community to increase the sensitivity of staff to the unique educational needs and cultural backgrounds of ELs and their families. 

  3. Facilitate opportunities for Parents/Guardians of ELs to develop home-school partnerships and encourage involvement in their child’s education.

  4. Develop cognitive academic language proficiency as well as basic interpersonal communication skills (CALP and BICS).

  5.  Assist successful participation in classroom learning situations and other school activities while maintaining a positive attitude toward self, school, and community.

CCA ELL Lau Plan