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Extended Learning Program (ELP)

ELP Mission:

The mission of the Extended Learning Program (ELP) is to provide educational programming that enhances the academic and personal growth of gifted and talented students as defined in the Iowa Code (Code 257.44 Gifted and talented children defined). Students in grades K-12 who demonstrate outstanding abilities and are capable of high performance in the areas of general intellectual abilities and/or specific aptitude in reading, math and/or science will be selected for personalized and/or accelerated opportunities commensurate to their needs and interests.

ELP Vision: Our vision is to instill in each student a love of learning.

Extended Learning Program Beliefs
We believe…

  • Standards for identification of students and programming should be consistent across the district, but responsive to individual student needs.
  • Gifted and talented students require varied personalized services and program options to meet their individual affective and cognitive needs.
  • Differentiated instruction, personalized learning and acceleration options will enable these students to reach their learning potential and contribute to the betterment of their community.
  • Providing personalized learning experiences for gifted and talented students is a responsibility shared by classroom teachers, guidance counselors, administrators, gifted and talented specialists and parents.
  • Gifted and talented students appear in all populations, in all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all levels of achievement.

ELP Program

ELP Staff

Rob Dees
Extended Learning Program Coordinator / Teacher
CCA High School (9-12), Oak Hill Elementary (4th-5th)

Nona Rudroff
Extended Learning Program Teacher
Tiffin and North Bend Elementary (K-3rd)
Amana and Clear Creek Elementary (K-5th)

Jennifer Fox
Middle School