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CCA Transportation

CCACSD manages free transportation for resident students. The district covers 175 square miles picking up students from Amana Colonies, North Liberty, Tiffin, Coralville, Oxford and all rural areas in between. 

Families must make a request for transportation in registration by August 1, 2024 in order to guarantee bus transportation on the first day of school, August 26, 2024.  There may be changes made to routes, stop locations, and bus numbers during the registration process. 

Bus Pass Requirement

Please be aware that many of our buses are at capacity on most school days. Because of the limited space available, we are requesting your assistance to help us plan for necessary transportation of students. If your child(ren) would like to accompany another student to or from school on a bus other than their regular route, please request a pass from the school office at least one day in advance. This will allow us the opportunity to make adjustments to accommodate the request or to inform you in a timely manner when we are unable to accommodate the request.

Parent/Guardian Expectations of Clear Creek Amana Schools Transportation

  1. If buses are delayed by more than 25 minutes, families will be informed by email and/or text through Finalsite (formerly Blackboard).
  2. If there are any permanent changes to routes, families will be notified by email through Finalsite (formerly Blackboard).
  3. If a parent/guardian calls the school office due to a delayed bus or related issue, the school office and/or transportation office can locate buses in real time if warranted.
  4. If a student is late to school, parents will be notified by phone call. 
  5. Bus numbers and bus stops for your student(s) are in the PowerSchool parent portal. 

PowerSchool Parent Portal


Carrie Hanson
Transportation Administrative Assistant

Denny Schreckengast
Director of Transportation