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Students pictured in barn at FFA Dairy Cattle competition

The Clear Creek Amana FFA State Dairy team competed at the Iowa FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation Career Development Event on September 13, 2024. The team of seniors Hannah Gross, and Jackson Arndt, and sophomores Sophie Christensen and Tate Riggan earned Gold. This event was held in Manchester Iowa on the county fair grounds. Twenty-eight teams and around 103 individuals participated to show their knowledge and skills in dairy cattle selection management. Clear Creek Amana was one of 13 teams in this competition to place in the gold division! Sophie had a great first time. Her favorite part was getting to see and experience being in the ring where the judging happens. She says, “It was such a better experience to see the cattle in person and not just on a computer during practice!” Being a part of FFA is also about the family it provides for you. Many of our members competing on this team enjoyed spending time with each other during the competition and meeting new people! Jackson Ardnt being a senior has competed in this competition before, he says “I felt prepared this year being here as a senior now. I felt I was able to help the younger members this time! It was very rewarding getting gold this year for the first time since my sophomore year!” The State dairy team well represented the Clear Creek Amana FFA Chapter in this competition!

Pictured: Jackson Arndt, Hannah Gross, Sophie Christensen, Tate Riggan in the cattle barn

Respectfully submitted by FFA Reporter,

Sydney Pfeiffe

Students pictured in barn at FFA dairy cattle competition