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photo of students in the outdoor classroom with flowers and lettuce

The Clear Creek Amana High School grows various flowers and vegetables in the outdoor classroom located at Clear Creek Amana middle school. The middle school students use this space during the school year for Agricultural classes and to get some fresh air during the day! The Clear Creek Amana FFA Outdoor Classroom committee helps bring beauty to this space by gardening, watering and taking care of this space over the summer. This committee is run by Chairman Shelby Hiesler and Jackson Arndt. These two will be seniors at Clear Creek Amana and have been in FFA every year while in high school. Other members who assist with our beautiful space are Avery Evans, Scarlett Brecht, Tate Riggan, and Courtney Williams. This group schedules meeting times during the summer to communicate on what is going well and what needs to be better. There are also scheduled times each member goes to the outdoor classroom to water, weed etc. Popular flowers grown are Lilies, Sunflowers, Mini Roses, Hydrangeas and Flowering Stock. The students also grow various tomatoes and peppers. The vegetables grown in the Outdoor Classroom are used in both the middle school and high school agriculture classes once school begins. The teachers teach about food processing and preservation. If the group has an abundance of produce it is donated to the Tiffin Food Pantry. The committee members use plants they grow to show at the county and state fair. Last year Clear Creek Amana FFA had several state winning produce items ranging from dill to tomatoes and petunias.  

Many people enjoy working and the gorgeous views of the plants in the Outdoor Classroom. Outdoor Classroom committee member Avery Evan’s favorite part of working in the outdoor classroom is “seeing all the progress they make after all the hard work this group puts into it!” Community members also enjoy the work that is put into the outdoor classroom seeing it driving by or walking on the public trail! Outdoor Classroom committee member Scarlet Brecht enjoys seeing “the growth over the summer and as it is her first year being a part of the outdoor classroom she loves meeting new people and being involved with FFA even in the summer!” Many FFA members as well as agricultural education students enjoy going to the Outdoor Classroom during the school day to learn by doing. Mrs. Amelon states “The Outdoor Classroom was a 2019-2020 project, the school received a generous grant from Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield for Outdoor Learning.” That year's Plant Science class designed the Outdoor Classroom and worked with the grounds crew to make the dream a reality. Mrs. Amelon enjoys helping the students learn about garden maintenance and preparation every Tuesday and Thursday during the summer. The Outdoor Classroom is a great place for community members and Clear Creek Amana students, we invite you to take time to enjoy our garden, feel free to harvest the produce and flowers. We want people to enjoy our garden!