Annual Notices
State and Federal regulations, as well as some district policies, require the district to annually post certain notifications to the public. Many of these notifications are distributed in several ways, including email. We also provide a number of common notifications here on the website, through the links below. Click on the policy number for current policy information.
Policy # Policy Title
102.E3 Equal Educational Opportunity-Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights
104 Anti-Bullying/Harassment
104.E1 Anti-Bullying/Harassment-Investigation Procedures
402.02 Child Abuse Reporting
402.03 Abuse of Students by School District Employees
500 Objectives for Equal Opportunities for Students
501.03 Compulsory Attendance
501.04 Entrance-Admissions
501.09 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy
501.16 Homeless Children and Youth
502.01 Student Appearance
502.02 Care of School Property/Vandalism
502.03 Freedom of Expression
502.04 Student Complaints and Grievances
502.06 Weapons
502.07 Smoking-Drinking-Drugs
502.08 Search and Seizure
503.01 Student Conduct
503.1R1 Student Conduct-Student Suspension
503.02 Expulsion
503.03 Fines-Fees-Charges
503.05 Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint and Prone Restraint
504.03 Student Publications
504.3R1 Student Publications-Code
504.06 Student Activity Program
505.08 Parental and Family Engagement District Wide Policy
506.01 Education Records Access
506.1E8 Education Records Access-Annual Notice
506.02 Student Directory Information
506.02R1 Student Directory Information - Use of Director Information
506.02E1 Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information
603.05 Health Education
604.01 Private Instruction
604.06 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
605.06 Internet Appropriate Use
711.2R1 Student Conduct on School Transportation
711.2R2 Student Conduct on School Transportation Regulation
905.02 Tobacco Free Environment