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Alicia Lanhart - Teacher at CCE

Alicia Lanhart Staff spotlight

2nd Grade Teacher Clear Creek Elementary Oxford

I grew up in:

Husband Matt Children Taylor-23, Logan 17, Shawn-12, Tayler 9, Zayden 9, son-in- law Drew and granddaughter Riley 4 months

Williamsburg High School, Grand Canyon University-BA Elementary Education with an emphasis in math

What makes you #CCAproud?
What makes me #CCAproud is the community and family that is CCA. 

Do you collect anything?
Yes, Wizard of Oz memorabilia. My classroom has a Wizard of Oz theme and a lot of my collectables are displayed in my classroom.
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future? Why?
I would go back in time to spend more time with my grandmother. She was my best friend and I miss her dearly. I hope and pray that she is proud of me and my accomplishments. 
Teacher who inspired me.
John Gillispie, he taught math at Williamsburg High School. He made math fun and probably is the reason why I love math so much now. I remember learning about angles in his Geometry class by playing pool in his classroom!
What fictional family would you be a member of?
I want to say the Brady Bunch because we have kids from previous marriages, our own biological son and an adopted son. However if you saw the family dynamic I would have to go with the Connor's.
What is your favorite television show?
Anything on the Food Network, but probably Chopped. I love to cook and bake (it's like therapy for me), but my kids always tell me I could win on Chopped