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Cassandra Davis - Paraeducator at NBE

Cassandra Davis Staff Spotlight

Paraeducator at North Bend Elementary

My husband Jered and 9 year old son Harley and 3 dogs.

What makes me CCA proud:
would be all the incredible staff I work with here at NBE. I also enjoy all the warm greetings every day when school starts for our students. 

What is on my bucket list:
Parachuting and swimming with dolphins. 

A teacher that inspired me:
I worked at Childcare Development Center (CDC) on a military base and I was her assistant teacher. The amount of patience and dedication that took when family members would deploy, She has so much unconditional love for each and every child and that will forever stick with me. That is what inspired me to work in the childcare field and working as a paraeducator.

What are you reading:
Polar Express that I checked out at our library. I plan on reading this with my child during this coming holiday season. Winter and Fall are my favorite seasons throughout the year.