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Amanda Kleinhesselink - Teacher at CCAMS & CCAHS

Amanda Kleinhesselink

High School P.E. and 7&8th grade FCS

I grew up in (town where you were raised):
Marion, Iowa

Family (you can also include pets):
My Husband Colby!

Bachelor's Degree at University of Northern Iowa in Physical Education and Health Education

What makes you #CCAproud?
I am #CCAproud because the staff and community at CCA is so inviting and truly has the students best interest at heart.

What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child? 
One year I was a tickle-me-pink crayola crayon. 

What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
I love to run and exercise. I also do photography for seniors, couples, families, etc. 

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be?
I would probably choose grilled chicken, roasted veggies and cheesy hash brown casserole. 

What did you name your first car?
Tori the Ford Taurus

Who’s someone you really admire?
I admire my mom because she is the most kind hearted person I know. She always bends over backwards to help anyone, even complete strangers. I hope to be half the woman she is someday.