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Noel Dalmasso - At-Risk and Interim Spanish Instructor at CCAHS

Noel Dalmasso Staff Spotlight

At-Risk Instructor/Interim Spanish Instructor

I grew up in (town where you were raised):
Bettendorf, IA

Family (you can also include pets)
Husband, David, Daughters, Grace and Rose, dog, Moses

Bachelors from University of Iowa, Masters from Graceland University

What makes you #CCAproud? 
CCA students are the best. We have a neat, unique group of students, and it's a lot of fun getting to know them, and helping them. 

What’s on your bucket list? 
A trip to Hawaii with my family.
If you could create one holiday, what would you create? 
Mindful Day- no phones or computers allowed ALL DAY (but permission to use for emergencies, of course :). 
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be? 
Spicy chinese vegetables with tofu and white rice.