Facilities Usage

  • The District welcomes the public to use school facilities for approved purposes when use does not conflict with the District mission, when the facilities are not being used for District educational programs and activities, and upon agreement for payment of certain rental charges.

    The Clear Creek Amana school board recently reviewed and updated the Community Use of School Facilities. These policies are effective July 1, 2022.

    • 905.01 Community use of School Facilities
    • 905.01R1 General Guidelines
    • 905.01R2 Eligibility and Priority Schedule
    • 905.01R3 Fee Schedule
    • 904.01R4 User Certification/Indemnity and Liability Insurance Agreement

    While a fee is required, the District strives to establish rates that are reasonable and manageable for these groups and at the same time remain compliant with Iowa Code. 

    The District uses an online facility rental system called FS Direct for after-hour rental of CCA facilities.

    To start the rental process, click here to view the rental calendar, log in and request facility use.

    For questions, contact Sarah Gaeta at 319-828-4510 or sarahgaeta@ccaschools.org or Facilities Director Maury Gallagher at maurygallagher@ccaschools.org.
    Please send Insurance Certificates to Sarah Gaeta at sarahgaeta@ccaschools.org

    Reminder: submitting a request does not guarantee approval. You will receive an email if/when the event(s) is approved.

    If you are experiencing issues logging in, please try clearing your cookies and restarting your browser. Below is an image of what your main start page should look like.

    Public Facility Rental Calendar


    Use of School Property

    The board of directors of any school district may authorize the use of any schoolhouse and its grounds within such district for the purpose of meetings of granges, lodges, agricultural societies, and similar societies, for parent-teacher associations, for community recreational activities, community education programs, election purposes, other meetings of public interest, public forums and similar community purposes; provided that such use shall in no way interfere with school activities; such use to be for such compensation and upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed by said board for the proper protection of the schoolhouse and the property belonging therein, including that of pupils, except that in the case of community education programs, any compensation necessary for programs provided specifically by community education and not those provided through community education by other agencies or organizations shall be compensated from the funding provided for community education programs (297.9).