• CCA High School Activity Complex Planning

    CCA has been working towards plans for athletic/activity facilities at the High School.

    Last summer, community members, players, and coaches came to the school board asking for a review of the facility master plan, specifically the baseball/softball facilities for safety and limited availability of practice space due to the increase in player participation. Last year, baseball used one field for practice and games for 4 teams and softball is anticipated to have 4 teams this year. The board completed an RFQ for architects to acquire professional services for design options.  SVPA was selected as the architect on contract and they have provided flexible options which include current and future needs and implemented in a phased approach. The plans are shown below. These current plan options are reflective of our current district growth, the needs of our students, and increased participation numbers in the CCA athletic and activity programs. There have been meetings with district staff, the board PPEL committee, the board Finance committee, and most recently the community input meeting. The information gathered was used to create these options and will be discussed at the February 1, 2023 board work session. This is not a bond project and will be financed through SAVE, PPEL and fundraising. Some money has been set aside for this project for the past few years but increasing costs of construction have restricted the original plans.

    January 25, 2023 Community Meeting

    Superintendent Dr. Seymour hosted a community meeting to gather input on athletic/activity facilities at the high school and SVPA, the contracted architect working for the district, presented the flexible options. About 30 community members were present to ask questions and 6 questions were gathered through a form sent to all CCA families. 

    Community Meeting Recording

    February 1, 2023 Special School Board Meeting

    With our growing district, it's important to plan for the growth and future of the programs. CCA has quickly grown into a 4A district with the number of student participants increasing every year.  The school board of directors have spent the past 8 months discussing what is best for the future of the high school facilities with our growth. With all information discussed, gathered, and presented from the architects, the school board voted on Option 1 to advance the planning phase for all facilities to be in Tiffin allowing the architects to advance with design planning for the facilities. 

    The Oxford softball field honors decades of Clear Creek Amana history, traditions and championship teams. This was not taken lightly and was discussed at length. Even though the softball field will be moving to the high school in Tiffin, the district will intentionally plan events, celebrations and/or some competitions on the Oxford field and the field will continue to be maintained by the CCA Buildings and Grounds crew. 

    March 8, 2023 Community Meeting

    Community meeting: SVPA presented to the PPEL committee and school board for their review of the 50% Design Development Phase. The documents presented are below.

    March 8 SVPA presentation

    March 22, 2023 Special School Board Meeting

    SVPA presented 100% design documents for the school board to review. If there are no changes, the full scope of the project will be reviewed for approval at the April 5, 2023 school board special meeting.

    March 22, 2023 SVPA Presentation

    August 30, 2023

    The school board met for a special meeting scheduled August 30 and discussed the most recent revised Baseball/Softball plans. Superintendent Dr. Seymour's recommendation was to proceed with the revised scope of the project that is within the established budget. They approved the motion.

    SVPA will continue to design the baseball and softball competition fields and a softball practice field to be located on the HS/MS campus. Project estimates include: revised Phase 1 project scope $3,808,130; Deferred future phase 2 (at 2023 costs) $1,544,010; Shotput & discus (as a separate project) $158,703.
    Baseball softball complex

    Once the project is bid and actual costs are known, the district will develop a capital campaign.