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FFA Members Earn Iowa Degree

Nine Clear Creek Amana FFA Members earn state honors. Members are Ava Locklear, Katie Evans, Jackson Arndt, Kelsey Leathers, Hannah Gross, Ryleigh Bode, Shelby Heisler, Olivia Webb and Sophia Root. Congratulations to this group of Clear Creek Amana FFA members, they have been approved and received their Iowa Degree in April at the Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference.

These members have worked for this since their freshman year- keeping records on some pretty incredible Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) projects, being involved in more than just local activities, giving back to their community and gaining valuable skills that they will have for a lifetime. Proud is an understatement.

“The Iowa FFA Degree is the highest degree the state can bestow upon a member. FFA members who qualify have met minimum involvement requirements in all components of the three circle model; SAE, FFA and Classroom/Laboratory.”

Photos Courtesy of Doese Photography Left to Right Back Row: Ava Locklear, Katie Evans, Jackson Arndt, Kelsey Leathers, Hannah Gross, Ryleigh Bode. Front Row: Shelby Heisler, Olivia Webb and Sophia Root