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CCA Ag Teachers Attend Conference

CCA Ag Teachers Attend First Ever Ag Summit

Alyssa Amelon and Morgan Hibbs attended the first ever Iowa Ag Ed Summit held January 21-23, 2024 at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny, Iowa. 

The theme and learning objectives of the conference was Transformational Learning. Participants in this professional development platform learned from Blaze Currie on the impact of transformational learning and the growth that it can cultivate among their students. Presenters from several states included Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, California, Minnesota and Georgia conducted workshops to help introduce topics related to the ALL IN FOR AG ED by 2029 initiative of Iowa Team Ag Ed.

Clear Creek Amana High School and Middle School teaches many academic concepts using agricultural contexts. Clear Creek Amana Community School District values Agriculture Education and offers exploratory courses to 6-8th grade students and high school elective classes to 9-12th graders. The Clear Creek Amana School has a powerful FFA chapter with nearly 120 student members grades 6-12. Students who are involved in the Clear Creek Amana FFA Chapter have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of contests ranging from public speaking and communication to plant and animal identification and selection. The teachers in the Clear Creek Amana Agricultural Education Department value professional development and enhancing student learning.